BazQux Reader Community

Disable lazy loading of images?

I have this disabled in browser and have tested it out with other pages but recently bazqux has been not loading images until I scroll. It’s super annoying. Any way to change this?

There’s no lazy loading of images on the BazQux website. There’s a lazy loading of articles, but it works on the article level, not the image level.

What browser do you use, and do you have any browser extensions installed?

I’ve had some of this too. I use Chrome and have quite a few extensions, but there’s just one specific feed for mine where it seems to load pictures slowly or not at all if I switch to a different feed. I don’t really care about the issue though for the lack of updates from the feed.

I use firefox. I have quite a handful of extensions installed but none of them are newly installed which is odd since I didn’t notice the lazy loading until recently. Maybe one of them updated and has caused it. I’m going to disable them all and test some things and I’ll get back to you. It’s also odd that the slow loading of the images seems to only come from one feed. Facebook feeds for example don’t experience the issue.

Maybe the issue is with a specific feed then? Some feeds has huge images that take quite some time to load. What is the feed you have issues with (you can mail it to

Sorry for the slow reply the feed is Install Guide Games

Hey I just wanted to say I was able to fix my issue using a userscript I created. I don’t know if it could somehow be added to bazqux but it would be cool if it was. Note I don’t know how to code in depth and I’m self taught. This just removes the lazy loading attribute from all images. It might have to be reconfigured dependent on certain feeds but it may be able to remove it from any feed if coded properly.

// ==UserScript==
// @name no lazy
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match*
// @grant none
// @version 1.0
// @author MNM
// @description 11/27/2023, 7:45:48 AM
// @require
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
document.arrive(“img.inner”, function(newElem) {

Cool. It’s great that you found the source of the problem. I’ve added an automatic removal of this loading attribute from <img> tags.

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Really appreciate you adding the auto removal. Just tested it with my userscript turned off and it appears to work on my end! You rule! Thanks again!