Hi, today’s BazQux Reader update is quite boring but necessary one. Now you can register and log in using email & password:
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.bazqux.com/2019/11/email-registration-account-management.html
November 20, 2019, 3:50pm
I want to change my associated email but it says:
xy.com is busy. Try another one or log into that account and change its email or delete it.
I did not register outher account using that email.
Perhaps your xy@… email was linked with Google or Facebook account and you’ve accidentally signed in with that account in the past.
Try to log in to that account (click “I forgot my password” and enter xy@… to reset your password and log in). Perhaps that account is empty and you could safely delete it. Then you could change email of your main account to xy@…
November 20, 2019, 5:54pm
Indeed there was an empty account, i logged in deleted it, but still does not allow me to use that address.
Please, try again. And thank you for reporting this. Somehow your login (and two others) were still in the database although accounts were deleted.
November 20, 2019, 9:18pm
Now it does nothing, no error message, no info about confirmation.
I write in the new mail click ok, then it jumps back showing the old entry.
And thank you again! One more bug removed. Please, try again.
November 20, 2019, 11:42pm
Glad to be of assistance
Indeed it’s working now, thank you!