Mobile specific issue?

Hey, I tried sending this to hello@bazqux and haven’t heard a reply. Maybe that’s not the right email for it.

In any case, the mobile site has ceased to function for me…specifically using the Comcast Business wifi at work. It loads half-way and stops. It does the same on DuckDuckGo, Chrome, and Bing. It can’t even load this forum on there. Even FocusReader couldn’t load new items and show it via that app.

It works just fine on desktop and mobile on my home Verizon network. I…don’t remember if I tried a VPN while testing. But I’ll definitely try that next time.

Ok, so using a VPN does skirt the issue. But I’m trying to find out if these are new filters Comcast is using for the new year, or something else.

Yes, sometimes there are site specific issues with providers. If the site works on one network and doesn’t on another (especially if it’s a business Wi-Fi), it’s the network, not the site issue.

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Ok, thank you for confirming