Twitter feeds are not working

Twitter feeds are working!!!

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Oh my god. What a great day.
Finally I can enjoy Twitter again.

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Yes. Twitter feeds are working again.

All of sudden, after 1.5 months of waiting, Twitter has unsuspended my developer account and now everything works as before.

So basically like the last time even though they said you are not allowed to have multiple cases.
Those people have such a bad and unreliable organization.

They didn’t approve my Developer Account for @‌BazQuxReader
saying to wait until @‌vshabanov will be unsuspended. So it happened – @‌vshabanov was unsuspended and everything started to work again.

I see. Hopefully everything is in the clear now and it won’t happen again.

Hi, is there a setting to change the appearance of unread twitter entries so that they are as bold as other unread entries? I find it distracting to have the “faint” entries. Nitter seems to have bold unread entries.

Twitter posts have no titles and are text only. There’s no setting to make post text bold (it will look ugly and will make posts harder to read).

Perhaps you’re using list view. Then you could try to switch twitter feeds to expanded view (it’s possible to have different feeds in different view mode), they should look much better this way.

Thanks! I’m in the exact opposite boat and would love to de-bold non-Twitter titles (to make the experience a bit more calming). ;->

Yes, I’m using list mode. Nitter seems to have the appearance I’d like, but it keeps getting rate limited for me.

Looks like others would like different appearance options. Maybe you could add these options to your “to do” list?

Not yet sure about it. I’m thinking about less bold fonts in some places (like post and unread feed titles). But not sure about making normal text more bold.

I’d be fine with that. I just want list mode to present me with one appearance for unread entries, and another for read entries. I find it distracting for twitter entries to look different from the rest.